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Title:Task bar docky
Create a task bar docky for AmiDock that displays the current tasks that are active on the current screen.

Project members:
Priority:Low      As prioritized by the OS4 development team
Description:The task bar shall display the current tasks that are active on the screen that the docky is located.

A comparable function is the "Task Display" of AmiStart. The function of the "Access" docky is similar but is not displayed the same way.

Example images:

Task bar, the whole displayed docky, containing none, one or more Bars.
Bar, an individual bar representing a window

Suggested requirements
- Each screen window shall be displayed as a clickable Bar in the docky.
- Each Bar shall display the window title of the window it represents
- Each Bar shall have an icon representing the window the bar is associated with.
- A left click on a Bar shall move the window to front and activate it (and uniconify if it is iconified)
- A Right click on a Bar shall open a popup menu that lets the user:
     Select the window (same as left click)
     Iconify the window
     Close window
     Minimize window
     Maximize window
     move window to front (but not activate it)
     move window to back
- The max width of Bars shall be possible to configure
- The width of individual bars shall automatically all shrink to fit when they can't all fit in the docky.
- It shall be possible to specify a height that all Bars will use.
- The icons shall be scaled to fit the specified height of a Bar.
- It shall be possible to turn bar icons on and off.
- It shall be configurable if the Bar icon is displayed to the left or right of the window title.
- It shall be configurable if the window title text is displayed or not.
- It shall be possible to specify a background texture for the Bars.
    With different textures for active window and not active window.
- It shall be possible to specify a background color for the Bars.
    With different colors for active window and not active window.
- The default Task bar background shall be the same as the one defined by AmiDock.
- Each bar shall have a user definable border that is different depending on if it's the active window or not.
Created by:orgin
Created at:20080810 15:14
Deadline:Not set
Finished at:Not finished
Last update:20140403 07:25
Assigned to:ssolie

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