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A DOS handler for HTTP access.
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Title:Beta 4
Text:I have now released Beta 4.

Scanning directories is now working correctly (bar an extraneous "?" directory in the root), however manipulation and access of files is broken in some applications/WB.
Created by:chris
Created at:20140628 19:09
[View Comments]
ID  Title  CommentsCreated atCreated by
45  WebDAV-handler Beta 5  0  20140809 00:04  chris
39  Current status  0  20140403 00:37  chris
26  WebDAV... with added neon  0  20120219 01:20  chris
25  WebDAV... version 3... with added neon  0  20120219 01:19  chris
Open Amiga project website, Created in 2008 by Björn Hagström