| [View Project][View Threads]Title: | Workbench file lister |  | Synopsis: Create a replacement file lister that resembles the ones used in Diropus and Diropus Magellan. |
orgin | [STICKY] Task list | 20090223 06:45 |  |
High priority
| Things that need to be done before it can be released to Hyperion |
- Add Amber support
- Check file type command parsing bug where the parser stops after the first tag
Other tasks
| Less important tasks that should be done but is not required for a first release |
- Implement rename (multiple files with pattern ala dopus)
| Open requester for entering in and out patterns |
- Implement popup menu when right clicking entries
| Information
Leave out
Edit comment
Add icon
Remove icon |
- Add user configurability to popup menus
- Investigate if xadmaster could be used to browse archives.
| If possible then implement it |
- Create multiple string requester
| Title
Array of String title+ string buffer
[Button] [Cancel] |
- Add user definable popup menu and main menu entries
- Make Copy/Move progress bar
| - update only once every xx ms
- only open after xx seconds during a move/copy |
- Make it possible to open listers on separate screen.
- Make progress requester display overall progress using selected items as reference
- Per folder snapshot
- Add favorite path list
- Add AREXX port (But why? Each filer would have it's own port)
- Add new buttons for select all and clear selection
- Add marking of selected files sent to clipboard
- In the requester(s) about missing destination window, add 'open destination' button.
- Add ability to hide files from view using a pattern
- Add force option when trying to copy files that are read protected
- Move search result into normal view (New view mode)
- Add a mode where the user can select to which path an assign leads to
- Investigate what might cause FilerCX to stop getting click events when you press numeric enter in another application. | After some investigation, the commodity never receives a message when enter is pressed, nor does it receive any other message after enter is pressed. So there's something happening in the commodity exchange outside of FilerCX that makes it stop delivering messages to the FilerCX commodity. Another commodity messing up? Bug in the commodity system? |
- Add 'advanced' keyboard select mode
- Remove loading of unused resources in prefs
- Add TAB completion to address field
- Add ringhio support for thumber
- Make select pattern work on root view
- A drawer drop on the root view should open that drawer in the filer
- Add a way to close all open listers (some kind of broadcasting message)
- Split "replace" into "replace" and "merge" where replace first deletes the destination.
- Add inline renaming
- Add dropdown menu for toggling thumbnails
- Add ability to set snapshot mode per drawer
- Add user defined Fx-keys
- Add project icon support
- Check if it's possible to reduce the number of error requesters that are shown when entering a non existent assign/volume name.
- Add a file/folder summary to the delete requester.
- Recheck if tooltips can be added to user buttons.
- Make "parent" position itself at the drawer it just left.
- Make sure that canceling operations only clears already processed items
- Make sure that skipping operations does not clear non processed items
Unlikely tasks
| Things that does not seem possible to do with the current OS components |
- Set the background color of the non filled listbrowser area.
| Not supported by the listbrowser class |
- Make the lister use the same colors as used by the workbench lister mode
| The colors are stored in an undocumented binary IFF file that might change in a new OS versions which could make parsing it unreliable |
- Implement icon view mode that will display icons the same way the wb does but always name sorted
Finished tasks
DONE- Add device name to Name column in root view. Examples: "RAM Disk (Ram:)", "Storage (DH2:)"
DONE- Implement the ability to enter a path into the path text field
| 'Enter' will check if new path exists.
If not open error requester and keep erroneous path in text field
If it exists, reload at new path |
DONE- Implement rename (single file)
| Open a rename requester for each selected entry |
DONE- Fix the bug when clicking an assign that points to the root level of a device
| Filer adds a "/" when clicking an assign. Which leads to "system:/" which is an illegal path
Simply removing the "/" doesn't work, other parts of the filer stops working properly |
DONE- Implement paste
| Make a requester stop the operation if a file can't be copied/moved etc with different options for continuing |
DONE- Make each lister run in its own process/task
DONE- Implement "Icon information"
Obsolete- Add mode for displaying .info files as well
DONE- Implement Add icon
DONE- Implement Delete icon
DONE- Implement Create directory
DONE- Fix new shell crash bug
DONE- Rename "Quit" in menu to "Close lister"
DONE- Implement double click on a file to work the same way as in workbench listers
DONE- Add ability to edit file comment in file menu
DONE- Add ability to change file protection flags in file menu
DONE- Create file permission requester
| Title
Body text
Radiobuttons for each permission setting
[Update] [Skip] [Cancel] |
DONE- Add [All] button to edit comment and set protection
| Sets current comment/protection to all files |
DONE- Make double click on ?#?.info file open information instead of WBRun
DONE- Add keyboard shortcuts for copy/cut/paste
DONE- Add 'create new file' to main menu
DONE- Make the app listen for filesystem notifications
DONE- Turn the main window into an appwindow
DONE- Make main menu use GTMENUITEM_USERDATA() instead of ITEMNUM() for item identification.
DONE- Add "clone lister" function.
DONE- Add "open folder in new lister" function
DONE- Add "About" Requester
DONE- Create progress bar requester
| Title
Body text
Progress text (like current file name)
Progress bar
[Cancel] button |
DONE- Implement a progress bar window for copy/move
DONE - Add user definable buttons
DONE - Add fallback function for adding/removing gadgets for 4.0 users
| - Note that the old functions may cause lockups according to this thread |
DONE - Make the file list respect selected items when reloading content
DONE - Fix {s}/{d} so that it adds a / when appropriate.
DONE - Implement source/destination
DONE - Implement Copy (copies to destination lister)
DONE - Implement Move (moves to destination lister)
DONE - Rewrite Delete functionality
DONE - Make "DoAllFiles" respect Cancel button
DONE - Rewrite FreeFileItemList() to not recursively delete FileItems.
| - Longs stack call chains does not work on os4.1 beta (regardless of stack size) |
DONE - Remove trailing "/" on entered path.
DONE - Remove trailing "/" on initial path.
DONE - Implement pattern matching
DONE - Add Delete by delete key
DONE - Add keyboard position control
| - Home/End/Page Down/Page Up/Up/Down/Right/Left |
DONE - Indicate current sort order in column headers.
DONE - Add Set Source
DONE - Add dir notification for listers with initial path
DONE - Display warning when a userbutton is set to !sourceashome and destination is not set
DONE - Make it possible to select if userbutton filenames should be quoted ("myfilename.txt") or not (myfilename.txt).
DONE - Add ability to open files using a user defined program
DONE - Add menu entries for notepad-editing userbutton and file type settings
DONE - Add Font requester
DONE - Add File requester
DONE - Add Folder requester
DONE - Implement Snapshot.
DONE - Add ability to define your own colors
DONE - Add ability to allow window position snapshot
DONE - Add ability to set default sort order
DONE - Make pattern, directory, file and font selectors more persistent
DONE - Make rename work on volumes (relabel)
DONE - Make Rename allow rename to same name but other case.
| -example: MyFile.txt -> myfile.txt |
DONE - Implement search
DONE - Add some status feedback on search window
DONE - Implement a progress bar window for delete
DONE - Create a standalone prefs program with 3 tabs:
| 1. General Filer settings
2. User button settings
3. File type settings |
DONE - Make it possible to define a default path
DONE - Finish userbutton prefs
DONE - Finish filetype prefs
DONE - Add "use last saved" to prefs program
DONE - Make it possible to start prefs program in a specific page (if possible)
DONE - Fully localize preferences program
DONE - Add swedish locale for prefs program
DONE - Add "Editor" to file types and make "Edit" in menu use it.
DONE - Add "Editor" to configuration program
DONE - Use neither empty launchers nor empty editors.
DONE - Improve resource management when loading of resources fails
DONE - Make it possible to configure different date variants
DONE - Finish the user button image handling
DONE - Add optional first row "/" parent item
DONE - Add parent to left click in left window border (if possible)
DONE - Add option for parent on device level to display root view
DONE - Shift-doubleclick on drawer, open in new lister
DONE - Remove annoying tool tip in main list browser
DONE - Handle links
DONE - Add date configuration to prefs program
DONE - Add navigation configuration to prefs program
DONE - Add userbutton image configuration to prefs program
DONE - Implement configurable tool bar according to design proposal
DONE - Add new icons and images from Mason
DONE - Change open drawer qualifier to CTRL.
DONE - Add close-able output windows
DONE - Fix that search result is rendered with wrong window pointer
DONE - Fix that Editors doesn't get proper path
DONE - Prefs: Fix nasty non initialized editor STRPTR
DONE - Prefs: Remove Store buttons
DONE - Prefs: Add deficons button
DONE - Prefs: Activate new item in filetype/userbutton listbrowsers
DONE - Prefs: Add ability to define more types per file type
DONE - Check file type against new file type 'types' field
DONE - Remove ShellProcess from userbuttons
DONE - Prefs: Add button or menu entry to start deficons
DONE - Warn user if too many files have been selected for edit/view
DONE - Prefs: Add toolbar configuration
DONE - Check iconified mode
| Use the Filer icon when iconified.
Use (at least the first part of) the Path (Window Title) as the name under the iconified Filer icon.
Make sure inst->Win isn't used (notifications) |
DONE - Circumvent newer OS4.1 versions sending an extra mouse button event when deiconifying the appicon.
DONE - Fix all localization @ToDo's
DONE - Add error type (ioerr) on delete errors
DONE - Create a commodity that can be used to launch new listers
| Ability to select different mouse buttons for opening a lister
Only accept a double click on the actual workbench backdrop as a valid request to open a lister. |
DONE - Make the Filer work properly when screen resolution changes
DONE - Add parent lister icon
DONE - Add german locale from Michael Merkel
DONE - Open workbench drawer window by left doubleclick+left alt
DONE - Add optional source/dest togglebutton
DONE - Prefs: Add checkbox for optional source/dest togglebutton
DONE - Add option for non amiga dopus style selection
DONE - Display number of selected files and dirs
DONE - Display total size of selected files
DONE - Display number of files and dirs in current path.
DONE - Display total size of files in current path
DONE - Add ability to check size of directories
DONE - Display device used space somewhere
DONE - Prefs: Replace custom color chooser with getcolor gadget
DONE - Prefs: Make sure all general settings can be defaulted
DONE - Prefs: Add option for non amiga dopus style selection
DONE - Prefs: Rearrange the general prefs layout
DONE - Launcher: Fix possible stale window pointer issue
DONE - Add option for showing sizes in bytes only
DONE - Add option for showing seconds in file dates.
DONE - Add a way to do Copy As, Move As
DONE - Add a way to do duplication
DONE - Fix copy directory onto itself error thingie
DONE - Add rename to menu
DONE - Add toggle to menu
DONE - Add root view to menu
DONE - Add parent to menu
DONE - Make Left shift + Copy To/Move To ask for new name
DONE - Prefs: Add option for showing sizes in bytes only
DONE - Prefs: Add option for showing seconds in file dates.
DONE - Add toolbar button for Clone
DONE - Prefs: Add toolbar button for Clone
DONE - Add keyboard navigation
| - Space to enter/leave mode
- Single selection
- Enter opens current item
- Left means parent
- Pageup/down/up/down/home/end has special meaning
- shift + left/right scrolls
- / is parent (both modes)
- * is root view (both modes)
- insert is new file (both modes) |
DONE - Add keyboard selection. Press a key and it'll jump to the first (or next) file that starts with it.
DONE - Fix deselection of items when in persistent select mode
DONE - Add custom code for seconds display
DONE - Fix startup directory link resolve bug
DONE - Replace asynch sub process mode "sleep" with "wait"
DONE - Add ability to resolve assigns to fully qualified path names
DONE - Add ability to turn off autofit columns
DONE - Add option for automatic keyboard mode on at startup
DONE - Modernize the command line parameter parsing
DONE - Add window position, width and height as command line parameters
DONE - Add thousand separator to show size in bytes and remove "B"
DONE - Add additive pattern selection
DONE - Add menu entry for opening current path as wb window
DONE - Add ability to disable device usage fuel gauge
DONE - Add a selection of color themes to Filer prefs
DONE - Add option to hide the column separators
DONE - Prefs: Add resolve paths option
DONE - Prefs: Add autofit columns option
DONE - Prefs: Add keyboard nav by default option
DONE - Prefs: Add disable usage bar option
DONE - Prefs: Add show separators
DONE - Fix pen handling problem
DONE - Fix disk full crash
DONE - Change device notification method to non DOS so that USB device changes are detected
DONE - Make dos only notifications optional
DONE - Add a RefreshWindowFrame() after each window title update
DONE - Add stack cookie
DONE - Rebuild all components using new SDK
DONE - Decrease stack usage in copy/move and search
DONE - Increase size of copy buffer
DONE - Move window title into global buffer
DONE - Make search search in current dir if no directories are selected
DONE - Remember selected files when changing sort order
DONE - Change the behavior of file flag handling
DONE - Fix bug where drop destination refused to deal with drop
DONE - Implement drag&drop between listers (Thanks Rigo!)
DONE - Add workaround for IconX issue
DONE - Add browsing history buffer
DONE - Add drop down for browsing history buffer
DONE - Make it possible to start drag&drop without first activating window
DONE - Add position to browsing history buffer
DONE - Change left/right in keyboard navigation to back/forward
DONE - Remember file position in keyboard mode
DONE - Write a selected node workaround to account for different behaviour in singe and multiselect mode of listbrowser class
DONE - Make close by ESC optional
DONE - Add setting for drag&drop mode
DONE - Finish drag&drop to filer window from appwindows
DONE - Make sure that #?.info files are ignored when handling wb drops
DONE - Fix window snapshot
DONE - Add internal user button commands
DONE - Add ability to snapshot column widths
DONE - Remove loading of unused resources
DONE - Add CX_PRIORITY tooltype to FilerCX
DONE - Add real icon support
DONE - Add support for default lister icons
DONE - Add icon settings to prefs
DONE - Only check left/right border when detecting d&d
DONE - Add extra check for bitmapped icons. (icon library is a mess isn't it?)
DONE - Add internal UB command for toggling real icons on/off
DONE - CopyAS should use destination filename in certain error requesters
DONE - Add option to create icon for create file and create directory
DONE - Make create file detect existing file/dir
DONE - Add check if there's actually anything selected in the listbrowser when going to d&d mode
DONE - Add internal UB command for hiding/unhidign .info files
DONE - Add internal UB command for add/remove icon
DONE - Add internal UB command for toggling deficons on/off
DONE - Add option for "automatic icon handling", which will copy/delete/move/rename icon files automatically
DONE - Add ability to display/hide .info files
DONE - Add option to reverse d&d move/copy
DONE - Add 'asynchronous' deficon loading
DONE - Fix nasty crash when updating toolbar in real icon mode
DONE - Move d&d transition to main program to avoid possible race condition
DONE - Keep real icons the same size
DONE - Prevent the right click menu from getting blocked while requesters are active
DONE - Replace busypointer with window class version
DONE - Show real icons for devices
DONE - Enable Information for devices
DONE - Fix double click on file with space problem. Bug in OpenWorkbenchObject(), had to revert the IconX workaround to fix this.
DONE - Add support for new style column title changes
DONE - Fix menu problem when executing non asynchronous userbuttons
DONE - Remove mouse button hook
DONE - Add check so that d&d falls back to undetected mode
DONE - Make it possible to select protection bit pattern
DONE - Make an extended mode for changing file flags
DONE - Add a way to recursively set file protection flags
DONE - Add experimental OS4Depot view mode
DONE - Make Update All recursive set protect work on first folder
DONE - Add search to OS4Depot mode
DONE - Add download toolbar button
DONE - Properly deallocate loaded icon image bitmaps
DONE - Fix potential stability issue with allocating object in input task
DONE - Add support for fourth mouse button as parent
DONE - Add icon image cache for current directory
DONE - Add icon image cache for devices
DONE - Never scale images up, just down
DONE - Add thumbnail support
DONE - Add internal UB command for thumbnail functions
DONE - Add menu entries for thumbnail commands
DONE - Add menu entries for icon commands
DONE - Make thumbnails load asynchronously independently of real icons
DONE - Add progress bar when adding and deleting thumbnails
DONE - Show progress pointer while asynch loading is running
DONE - Stop asynch icon loading from updating main listbrowser while user is scrolling
DONE - Add thumbnail size setting
DONE - Add thumbnail directory setting
DONE - Add show thumbnails setting
DONE - Add really ugly fallback progress pointer
DONE - Prefs: Add icon acceleration and thumbnail settings
DONE - Reduce listbrowser refresh while loading icons and thumbnails
DONE - On some systems IIcon->PutDiskObject() didn't work as intended. Replaced with IIcon->PutIconTags()
DONE - Add workaround for env-handler file system notification bug
DONE - Change Accellerate to Accelerate
DONE - Add F2 as shortcut for rename
DONE - Prefs: Add a "remove all" button on the user button page
DONE - Add ability to show free space in Mb/Gb etc instead of % in usage bar
DONE - Give usage bar a minimum width
DONE - Add ID's to locale files
DONE - Add background task "Thumber" for automatic thumbnail generation
DONE - Add settings for ignored devices for thumbnails
DONE - Add setting for activating automatic thumbnail creation
DONE - Fix rapid parent lockup
DONE - Prefs: Update about body locale string
DONE - Add menu entry for turning on/off auto thumbnail generating
DONE - Add user buttons for turning on/off auto thumbnail generating
DONE - Add HUGE thumbnail setting
DONE - Fix a bug where a thumbnail wasn't removed from the cache
DONE - Increase maximum thumbnail size to 128 in HUGE mode
DONE - Fix a bug where an icon was added when creating a folder/file
DONE - Add appdir: as a search path when opening Thumber and Prefs
DONE - Add Troubleshooting section to readme
DONE - And AND/OR option to search
DONE - Make toolbar and menu context sensitive
DONE - Make back/forward buttons context sensitive
DONE - Add drag&drop onto workbench windows and icons
DONE - Deactivate the parent button and menu items properly when "Parent to root view" isn't active.
DONE - Add Enter and ESC to create file, create dir and protect requesters
DONE - Fix column title handling bug
DONE - Set minimum width or height of thumbnails to be 1 pixel.
DONE - Fixed a pubscreen issue | | |