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Title:Installer script generation utility
A utility that generates an installation script for Installer, using a ReAction-based graphical front end.

Project members:
Priority:Low      As prioritized by the OS4 development team
Description:By using a graphical interface, the Installer script generation utility will allow creating standardized installation packages quickly and easily. Sparing developers of the daunting task of writing a working script manually, the utility will encourage them to include an installation script with their software. This will enhance user experience during the installation process.

General functionality:

- Select file(s) to install.
- Choose where to install files on users computer.
- Utility generates Installer based script for package.

Desired features:

- Easy to use ReAction-based GUI.
- Allow single or multiple files to be selected by a file lister.
- Arrange hierarchy of where to install files at destination, including quick options to install selected files to LIBS: or other standard system paths.
- Check selected files if they already exist, and also check versions of said files, so newer ones are not overwritten.
- Update S:user-startup with any necessary assigns.
- At end of install option to open readme file and/or run program itself.

Would also be nice to have:

- Create log of script generation.
- Ability to preview install.
- Ask user if they want icon added to AmiDock.
- Create installation logfile at users end.
- Generate installation script for the new Python-based installer.
- Update AmiUpdate on location of program.
Created by:derfs
Created at:20110909 00:09
Deadline:Not set
Finished at:Not finished
Last update:20140402 19:01
Assigned to:marko
Suggested by:derfs

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Open Amiga project website, Created in 2008 by Björn Hagström