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  SVN Log
DateRevision  Author  Project  
20231224 16:39  1213  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
- added support for view dependant search
- added archive search support
- disabled Find and Info menus for archive (not yet supported)

20230219 18:47  1212  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
- fixed very slow CopyFile when using AsyncIO (excessive Delay)
- fixed typo in parameter name of CompositeTags() call

20230218 18:47  1211  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
- Replaced obsolete DOS define ACCESS_READ with up-to-date SHARED_LOCK
20230212 17:54  1210  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
- Fixed two possible crash due to unitialized members related to the new archive

20230107 18:35  1209  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
- added support for parent list node

20230107 18:30  1208  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
- added configuration for open filer mode
- replaced DEST commandline switch with INV

20230107 17:12  1207  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
- fixed DEST mode always activated

20221229 22:35  1206  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
- added statusbar update for archive mode

20221229 20:27  1205  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
- fixed parent not able to exit archive, added correct title/path bar
20221222 16:14  1204  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
- Added minimal support for archive view mode (traversal only for now)
20221222 16:13  1203  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
- Add Archive view mode handler

20221205 22:34  1202  openamigaadminuser  new amigaguide datatype to allow copy+mark of text by mouse  
Project  created
20221204 23:38  1201  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
- Added xadMaster library for initial archive detection

20221119 17:30  1200  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
add support for DEST option to start instance in destination mode

20221105 01:29  1199  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
switch to long wget option
20221105 01:19  1198  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
fixed user buttons not using configured help text
20221105 00:46  1197  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
removed fall through warning
20221105 00:27  1196  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
fixed unused variable warning
20221105 00:07  1195  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
removed all warnings (with history in comment)
20221105 00:05  1194  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
removed all warnings
20221104 23:36  1193  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
fixed format_hook_function signature to comply with HOOKFUNC definition
20221104 23:34  1192  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
removed all warnings
20221104 23:32  1191  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
fixed indentation
20221104 11:14  1190  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
- fixed AsyncIO CopyFile deleting dest file right after its copy

20221102 16:56  1189  chris  2D structured art datatype superclass  
Release 53.9
20221029 15:06  1188  chris  2D structured art datatype superclass  
Fix drawing of end joining lines
20221029 14:31  1187  chris  2D structured art datatype superclass  
Fix (non)drawing of transparent lines
20220602 13:28  1185  chris  http-handler  
unknown changes which were in my local repo
20220602 13:28  1184  chris  http-handler  
v1.11 - AmiSSL v5 update
20220419 23:22  1183  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
- added support for DOS AsyncIO during file copy

20220416 23:40  1182  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
- replaced deprecated MsgPort handling functions by XXXSysObject ones,
changed deprecated EXDF_
20220416 23:40  1181  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
- added interface version in the IfaceList structure

20220416 23:38  1180  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
- added interface version in the IfaceList structure

20220416 23:36  1179  abalaban  Workbench file lister  
-refresh listbrowser after title click to prevent loosing header

20210708 16:02  1178  chris  2D structured art datatype superclass  
bump version for release
20210708 15:49  1177  chris  2D structured art datatype superclass  
Handle LIBF_DELEXP correctly
20210408 14:11  1176  chris  2D structured art datatype superclass  
New release

drawing.datatype 53.7 (23.02.2021)
dr2d.datatype 53.6 (23.02.2021)
svg.datatype 53.5 (23.02.2012)
* Added basic DTM_WRITE support
* Various bug fixes
* Note these must be updated together due to internal changes.

20210223 17:01  1175  chris  2D structured art datatype superclass  
free svgtiny object
20210223 13:57  1174  chris  2D structured art datatype superclass  
Set current position to provided bezier end coords
20210223 13:32  1173  chris  2D structured art datatype superclass  
end all polygons
20210223 13:31  1172  chris  2D structured art datatype superclass  
end all polygons
20210223 13:22  1171  chris  2D structured art datatype superclass  
Ensure start is set to current on close polygon
20210223 13:19  1170  chris  2D structured art datatype superclass  
Don't close polygons on move
20210222 15:19  1169  chris  2D structured art datatype superclass  
bump version
20210222 15:19  1168  chris  2D structured art datatype superclass  
Correct offset for written DR2Ds
20210222 15:17  1167  chris  2D structured art datatype superclass  
Support DTST_RAM
20210222 15:15  1166  chris  2D structured art datatype superclass  
20210222 15:09  1165  chris  2D structured art datatype superclass  
Fix DR2D write offset
20210222 15:02  1164  chris  2D structured art datatype superclass  
End open polygons correctly
20210220 00:46  1163  chris  2D structured art datatype superclass  
Mostly working DTM_WRITE
Add DDTP_END to indicate the end of a polygon sent by subclasses
Open Amiga project website, Created in 2008 by Björn Hagström